Breakthrough Blog | Being First

Is Your Organization Suffering from These 6 Symptoms of Poor Change Leadership?

Written by Drs. Dean Anderson and Linda Ackerman Anderson | August 29, 2018

No business leader worth their salt would run their business without a solid business strategy. In today’s dynamic marketplace, executing those business strategies often requires change, frequently massive transformational change.

You’ve heard the data – 60-70% of change initiatives fail to deliver their expected ROI, even as the use of change management and project management have skyrocketed. Why is this happening?

Because designing and implementing organization transformation requires something more – and something different. It calls for competent change leadership, and few organizations have it. Does your organization have competent change leadership that consistently delivers change strategies that work? Are you getting the results you need from those change strategies? In this blog, we help you answer these questions.

Good change leadership produces strategies for change that deliver intended results. In such cases, change is well implemented, on time and on budget, with stakeholder commitment, full adoption, and sustainment. Under poor change leadership, the strategies for change do not work, and six very costly symptoms occur.

Does your organization suffer from these symptoms - caused by poor change leadership and ineffective change strategies? To find out, click below to take the Symptoms of Poor Change Leadership Assessment below. As you read each item, rate to what extent each symptom exists in your organization using the corresponding scale.