Launching your change initiative on a sound foundation is essential to speed, cost containment, good stakeholder engagement, and to achieving your desired outcomes. We have identified several actions for creating a solid foundation for your change initiative:
An effective launch strategy and a project briefing are always necessary. Change audits or risk assessments, and change education may not be required for every change initiative, but consider if they would add value and insight before you start your launch work. Each of them builds change leadership awareness and capability.
Creating a launch strategy involves addressing a series of questions to establish clarity and alignment among your leaders and your initiative team members. You and the other leaders may not have all the information you need to make final determinations on these questions, but you can begin this process and add to it as things become more clear, or change it when more information comes to light. Ask yourselves the following:
A project briefing is essential to your change strategy because it enables you to discover what work has already been done on this effort, the current status of the organizational factors influencing this effort and knowledge of any solution, and the degree of alignment among both leadership and the stakeholders for this direction. It is important to do this early work with everyone singing off the same song sheet!
Reviewing past change leadership practices and patterns to determine what leaders want to do differently with this change initiative can also assist in your change strategy. A Change Audit or Change Risk Assessment can be used to clarify the practices and patterns that the leaders consciously want to improve or do differently. This investment will reap the rewards of a faster, cheaper, and more successful change initiative. It will also raise leaders’ awareness of their change leadership strengths and weaknesses –for this initiative and likely all others.
Change education ensures that the leaders are working from a shared level of understanding, terminology, type of change, process model, role accountabilities, and mindsets. Change education, if the change initiative is transformational, also includes the personal leadership development and cultural work required for the initiative to succeed and sustain. That involves changes in mindsets, behavior, and relationship required for the desired outcome to sustain over time.
We previously outlined recommended change leadership roles to discuss and determine how to accomplish these three start-up actions. This is not work that can be handed off to a team or consultant to do autonomously and then present to a sponsor for “head nod” agreement. While a consultant can prepare options and offer them as a starting place to generate discussion, the sponsor and change leadership team members must think these requirements through and overtly align on them. What a consultant can do is design the process, with the sponsor’s agreement, to get this early launch work done to satisfaction so that the change initiative actually gets lift-off.